Friday, February 11, 2011

Think Straight, Talk Straight

Although a once popular topic, Enron and the former CPA firm of Arthur Andersen are no longer main stream topics of discussion aside from business classes discussing the dreadful SOX act. Well, believe it or not, the good 'ole folks at Aurthur Andersen popped into my head the other day. The once mighty CPA firm had the motto, for over forty years I might add, "Think Straight, Talk Straight". Ironically, the folks at Arthur Andersen had a lot to do the the several billion dollar fraud that brought down the powerful energy corporation Enron. How much straight thinking and straight talking was taking place on Enron's balance sheet and income statement? Enron's faulty accounting practices and Arthur Andersen's failure to disclose said practices in the annual audit cost unlucky Americans billions of dollars. Consider the individuals in the company not working on the Enron account, practicing honestly. Unethical behavior by their colleagues cost them their job and their financial security. I think old Arthur was rolling in his grave in 2002 when the once mighty firm he created surrendered its license to practice due to the shady behavior of a select few. The firm could re-establish its self and ultimately practice again but word of advice, if you see a financial statement certified by Arthur Andersen, turn and run away!


  1. You need to get a life. Let me guess you're some college kid that read their first economics text book and want to act like a intelligent individual to his or her friends to show them how smart you are. This isn't funny and isn't something to joke about. Thousands of people lost their life savings from Enron and this blog just makes you look like a royal asshole. Stick to the video games kid and stop blogging about something that you don't have the faintest idea about.

  2. Feel free to discuss more about Arthur Anderson, as you apear be an expert on the topic and I would like to learn more. Is there something I wrote that you disagree with? Also, what video games would you suggest?

    Thanks for reading,


  3. Also, I would have to respectfully disagree with your opinion that I was trying to make a joke about the situation. I believe that corporate ethics is something that needs to be widely discussed. Did I rationally hope to start that discussion here on this blog? No, I did not. I was only expressing my right to free speech/press (however you want to look at it). In addition I would like to thank you for your comment claiming that I was trying to act intelligent to impress my friends. In order for you to assume I was trying to act intelligent, I must have simply been acting intelligently. So once again thank you for that.


